Commemorative Jubilee medal "25 years reign of King Ferdinand I"
Date established: in 1912
Number of classes: one
Being awarded for: personally awarded by the Monarch, as a commemoration of His silver jubilee as head of state
Shape and dimensions: circular, 34mm in diameter
Ribbon: white, with a green bar near both edges
Obverse: The effigy of Tsar Ferdinand I dressed in a full parade uniform. On the right side near the edge is inscribed “ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I ЦАРЬ НА БЪЛГАРИТѢ“ / translation: Ferdinand I Tsar (king) of the Bulgarians /, on two lines.
Reverse: The Royal coat of arms circumscribed with the text “СПОМЕНЪ ЗА ДВАЙСЕТИПЕТГОДИШНО ЧЕСТИТО ЦАРУВАНЕ“ / translation: In commemoration of a twenty-five years of honourable reign / and the years 1887-1912 at the bottom.
The medal, dedicated to the King’s silver jubilee is one of the rarest and most honourable Bulgarian medals ever awarded. It has been minted in very limited numbers and has been awarded personally by the Monarch and exclusively to high-ranking governmental and army officials, members of His personal suite etc.
The medal has been used for decoration by the Monarch even after His abdication, while living in Coburg.
It has been made of gilded bronze and was suspended from a ribbon whose colours symbolised the Monarch’s dynastical background.
This award has been designed by the famous Prof. R. Marschall and produced in Vienna.

Apart from the above medal, larger (90mm in diameter) table-top medals have also been minted, bearing the same design. These were not intended for decoration though. These were minted in three variations: golden medals (gilded bronze), silver medals (silvered bronze) and bronze medals.